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Do you ever get a case of the Mondays…on a Thursday? We all get down sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we need to stay there. Whether someone said something that upset you, you’re stressing about an approaching deadline, or you’re just feeling a little blue, give these three things a try and start feeling happier right now!
If you work in a windowless office, make sure you step out to see the sun a few times throughout the day. Studies show people who get more light exposure during the day have fewer sleep problems and less depression. Evidence also suggests light can keep you alert and productive. If you have more time, a longer bout of exercise may also spark a smile. Studies have shown even mild exercise, about 40% of your maximum heart rate, can lift your mood. Research has also suggested spending time in nature can make you feel happier. So, get up and get moving!
Research suggests that listening to upbeat music while trying to feel happier can actually make you happier. It can’t just be any tune, though. A study from the Journal of Positive Psychology found that people who listen to upbeat music can improve their moods and boost their happiness in just two weeks. It’s a work in progress, so you should fill your space with as many optimistic tunes as possible, to make sure you don’t run out of any feel-good emotions before your two-week window is up.
If you don’t know where to find musical inspiration, Spotify can surely guide you in the right direction. But with over a million songs to choose from, you may easily get overwhelmed. To help you from getting discouraged, here is a list of 21 Spotify playlists you can refer to, as you start your quest for Good Vibrations. You’ll be Walking on Sunshine in no time!
You are what you eat, and research shows higher levels of certain vitamins, minerals, and chemical compounds can boost your mood and help ward off depression. The next time you’re feeling down, just snack on these foods and feel your blues wash away.
If all else fails, fake it ‘til you make it. There’s good evidence that even forcing a smile can go a long way to elevate your mood. Studies show that muscular changes in your face can make you happier, as can good posture. Just looking happier also has the domino effect of making you look more approachable, so you’ll make more friends and live a more social, happy life!